If you encounter problems with the website, please email: Dave@tothe1.org

Version 2.1

Reaching to families and individuals. Pointing them to the One Jesus Christ.

Snail Mail or Call

To contact by mail or donate make out your check or money order payable to “To The One” and mail to:


Your contributions are greatly appreciated.  We understand how difficult it is to earn every dollar and we will faithfully use every seed sown in an area of greatest need and impact.  

Your donation will be used to support our ongoing efforts to minister to others as we write, publish, support missions and are involved in church plantings.  

Your gift enables us to reach the one individual and point them to the One Jesus Christ!  It also enables us to reach to the “least of these” through scholarships to events and benevolent support.   

Please click “Donate” below to give your tax deductible gift securely.  


Your contact information will be gathered when submitting your connecting, prayer request or donation.  We will not sell or distribute your personal information.   

It will be used to stay connected to you and to respond to your needs, periodically send information regarding special announcements or changes in the ministry.

(904) 910-4722

To The One

c/o David Wheeler

6200 Hanover Ave

Springfield, VA 22150
